I lost all my moonshot on BitMart and have no idea how to get it back over 18 Trillion says it was “Airdropped”

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I still need to swap, but https://project-moonshot.me is offline, what can I do?

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I don’t see a place to swap v1 to v2 on their website

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Is it too late to migrate and if not please provide the steps, thanks.

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I've lost my access to wallet so haven't made the migration. Regained access but can't find the to migrate my tokens and reclaim them. Could anyone help me?

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it didn’t let me claim!!!! So frustrating! How can I get my tokens!!

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I need your help, I still have the v1 Moonshot, how can I get the v2?

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can I still migrate my old token?

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How many BNB i neet to pay and migrate my old mS v1 to V2??

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How do i initiate the migration

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The currently selected address is not eligible for claiming MSHOT v2 tokens.

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I want to swap v1 to v2 and it is saying I don't have enough bnb.... How much do I need to do this please?

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What do i do? It says there is a transaction that was a success, but nothing is happening. I still have my original moonshot, and when i click claim, it opens trust wallet and nothing happens

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Hum... Just now i was informed about that changes...

I was try do that clicking in the button, it recognized my wallet and my crypto but the value of the conversion is 0 before I accept.. I cancelled... is it normal shows 0 and will it show the correct value in the v2 or something is missing? !

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

say byebye to my 10k PHP damn. LET KARMA DO THE THING TO ALL THIS DEVS. I MEAN DAMN. really frustrated. Gabaan kayong lahat linte

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clearly they scam us. Damn. ill never invest with crypto ever again. I think devs for safemoon and moonshot ate just the same. they just gank all of us. they fool us

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